Happy Ho-Ho-Holidays and Winter Veil!
Hello community! We would like to take advantage of the Winter's Veil seasonal event to wish you happy Holiday on behalf of the staff of Dalaran-WoW. In this festive season we have to remember having Joy, Love, Peace, and Hope. Joy killing your enemies in the Battleground, Love when you see that hard ...
MoreVault of Eras: final stage.
Hello Citizens of Dalaran, The final phase of the Vault of Eras will take place next Friday, 8th of December. This is a special opportunity for you to reclaim all items you previously held in Algalon. Please remember that you will only be able to retrieve your items if you had a level 80 character when ...
MoreBlack Friday discounts: until the 4th of December
Hello! It's Black Friday, and we're excited to announce exclusive discounts at our donation and bundle shops! For a limited time, all items purchasable with donation points are now available at a 20% discount. But that's not all - we've also slashed the prices of all the bundles by 30%! Some mounts have re...
MoreRuby Sanctum's release date.
Hello Citizens of Dalaran, We are glad to finally announce the official release date of the Ruby Sanctum's raid: Sunday 29th of October, 18:00 Server Time. We hope you all enjoy it, and stay tuned! We'll be publishing a news update shortly with information on various topics. Thank you very ...
MoreBrewfest is here!
Ale y'all! Hop in the drum of celebration!Prepare yourselves for a few crazy days of being surrounded by pink elephants, wolpertingers and the delicious smell of sausage in the air around Durotar and Dun Morogh, enriched by the aroma of the most exquisite beers from all corners of Azeroth. Ogres, Tr...
MoreDalaran-WoW's 10th Anniversary (and perks!).
Happy 10th Anniversary, Citizens of Dalaran! This week, we reach a momentous milestone, and we couldn't have done it without our incredible community. Your unwavering support has been the heart and soul of our journey, and we are thrilled to celebrate this special occasion with all of you. We extend our he...
MoreThe Icecrown Citadel release.
Greetings, Citizens of Dalaran, We're thrilled to share with you that the long-anticipated Icecrown Citadel update is nearly upon us, this extraordinary journey into the icy heart of Northrend begins on July 15th at 18:00 ST. Prepare yourselves for challenging raids and dungeons that lie within Icecrown...
MoreThe Vault of Eras
Greetings, Citizens of Dalaran, We are excited to introduce you to the woundrous Vault of Eras, a place where time intertwines with the memories, treasures and achievements of your past adventures in the realms of Dalaran. We have been hard at work crafting this extraordinary feature to bring a touch of no...
MoreScarab Lord: 10th of June! And More Exciting Updates on the Horizon.
Hello Citizens of Dalaran, We've got some exciting news to share with the community. On June 10th, we're rolling out the final quest for the Scarab Lord title, the ending of the The Scepter of the Shifting Sands chain quest. This is a great chance for players to earn some extra in-game rewards. This will b...